Het W².A².S². Programma
Het WAS programma staat voor 1 Woord/Wil - 2 Adem/Aarden - 3 Service/Synchroniseren
1 Gods Woord is licht, licht herstelt omdat God compleet is en jij gemaakt bent net zo te zijn.
Gods Wil Van Gods wil maakte jij jou eigen wil en verdedigde het met een lichaam.
In Een Cursus in Wonderen (ECIW) is de “Wil van God” een centraal concept. Het verwijst naar het idee dat Gods Wil synoniem is met liefde, vrede en geluk. Volgens ECIW is het Gods Wil dat wij deze kwaliteiten ervaren en onze ware aard als deel van Zijn schepping herkennen.
ECIW leert dat onze perceptie van de wereld vaak wordt vervormd door angst en afscheiding, wat ons weg leidt van het begrijpen en afstemmen op Gods Wil. De Cursus benadrukt dat door het beoefenen van vergeving en het corrigeren van onze mispercepties, we onze wil kunnen afstemmen op die van God, wat leidt tot innerlijke vrede en echt geluk. Om je eigen wil in te leveren geef je wat je wilt aan de heilige geest.
2 Adem/Aarden
Goede ademhaling en geaard zijn, zijn belangrijke manieren om in het hier en nu te zijn. De ademhaling ankert je in het moment. Zoek een meditatie die bij jou past met deze 2 componenten.
3 Service/Synchroniseren
Naast hier zijn en in Gods wil en Woord is het belangrijk om te activeren dit kan met de service methode. Verwissel de ik van jou met de ander en als zo nodig bied service. Als dit niet nodig is stem dan je service af op God.
Synchroniseren Is belangrijk om in balans te zijn zie hiervoor de oefeningen T-Bar, lemniscate en hemisferische geluiden.
For everything we need integration, integration to learn and to function.
In what substance does mass vibrate?
This sea can be drawn into the body and chakra’s
This water is the essense of integration
Healing the sick
Use the aproximation message to find God. Then connect your body or someone else to this source
Pain relief
Jesus lives inside of you, find him in the center of the heart of the body and guide him to the place were you feel the pain
Time and Space exist in the ElectroMagnetic field (EM field), don’t inculde yourself in this field and you will reach Infinity
The new Seithen
Where does fire come from? If it is a projection what is the source of fire?
How to become God or a Godess
God creates man in his image, then when man are Gods they create man in their image.
First take a step towards yourself, where would you go?
Reject this awareness or I am.
Grow in Energy until you reach the Club of Gods.
When you are in the Club of Gods, you can heal yourself by creating yourself
Releasement from Hell
Everybody who struggles and feels beeing in hell try this-> link
How to escape the Death-Traps
The Death Traps as seen on Farsights channel is escapable by transcending to heaven.
First become God, second and this is your right, the right to ascension, ascend yourself from this authority back to heaven or back to itself. If you feel like missing something or wanting something else you will come back as a person creating differently.
Not knowing how to transcend or having low self-knowledge brings you to the door of the Death Traps. Sin and Guilt do the same. To solve this, forgiveness or the ability to forgive is the key to the final judgment. Correct sins with the Holy Spirit is helpfull
Digital detox
Forrest bathing, a very powerful and grounding experience if your life has become virtual
GGZ Helper
GGZ Helper Script Nederlands
Routine + Atonement (dutch)
L - Script therapie (Dutch)
Looking at the I to resolve the problem
When there is a problem there is an I or centre. Looking at the centre breaks all the problems at the same time. The centre is the I consciousness
The rules for decisionmaking (link to page)
The desicion for God (link to page)
Canvas van de Dwang (Dutch)
Pentagon Training (ENG)
Trinity foundation
Look at your inner child with the Holy Spirit. From the inner child, the ego is formed to protect the inner child which is the embodiment of the already complete soul or immaterial awareness
Donate the self
Donate what remains
Trinity self-development program
The Trinity development program consist of 3 key elements
- Truth means the truth of existence
- Holy Spirit to look with the Holy Spirit (for example at anxiety)
- Ego, when you donate the self look for the remaining Ego
The 3 elements of the Trinity program can be done at the same time if you have donated the self
What happens is shown in the bottom right picture, when the Ego or the 2 plates are existent you get only a smal sigma frequency of quantum states, when the 2 plates seperate much like a filter bandwith trough which Tao energy flows you are in lower possible vibration (zero) but also higher possiblility or energy, it is the sigma frequency which expands thus giving the term high vibration commonly used in New Age culture
Visualization for ultimate protection
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Qi Gong Grounding
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Visualization prayer
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Grounding standard
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Check this channel for more exercises like cleansing breath or aura cleaning
place yourself in the core of the earth. Lock yourself deeply into it. Pull yourself away from the core keeping the locked connection
If you find it difficult to ground, feel your feet first
To increase heart strength, use MCT coconut oil 1 spoon before each meal, it uses good cholesterol and helps with losing weight. It also helps with maintaining a good heart and blood vessel system. The only thing you want to avoid is trans-fat
Heart meditation
Deny love, this slows down the heartbeat much like beta blockers and it can be used to transcend the body
Heart Mind sync
Simply connect the heart chakra to the head chakra
Focus your minds intent on Krishna (Bhagavad Gita)
Ask for entering the park of the Gods, being there neutralises thought effectively
Psychic protection
Link to page
Say aloud if possible -
"I surround myself with a protective egg shell of golden white Light, which comes directly from the Divine Source."
In what do I think? In what is that, do this until you reach an infinite space
World - E.a.g.l.e.
The Way more direct version link
Eagle stands for:
E... ego
A... ACE
G... Grounding
L... Listening
E... Equal Christ...
A firm technique to quickly undo the ego is to place the inner child, or the basic ego on the centre of the heart of the body. From there you can also make contact with Jesus or Buddha. You can find Health and Love in this inner place. Visualize flying into the heart. When your complete Ego has gone, you will be home as a child again...
ACE stands for Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, Connect to your body and Engage in what you are doing. The body is the first defence against God and the first gate for freedom. Using ACE you can drop an anchor, especially when having difficult thoughts and feelings...
There are many grounding techniques, grounding helps stabilise any effort made into the now.
You can't build energy without a ground connection, which is necessary for the flow of energy...
Who listens, does awareness listen? The best thing you can do is to listen with your whole body. You can ask questions, and you can use the Gateway Process if you want to go deeper...
You can also use the Joining in Light Miracle Brigade protocol...
Equal Christ...
Ask every ACIM student what Christ is. It is our shared Nature. Only Accept that Christ may Recognise Christ. Which will place social reality above self-image and social anxiety. Also, are desires outside of Christ?...
Thank you for listening!...
In our own way, we create a defence against God or the truth, this gives rise to the body. Then we have thoughts and feelings. Use the Christ within to solve the first defence or body and equality to solve outwards
Sacred energy
Blue Cheese Method
The final guide on everything
Super Power
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2 powers are given:
1st Kundalini power is only possible if emotions are healed the same can be said about THC, blockage of emotions can cause psychosis through overcritical stimulation
For reference use the technique as described by Stewart Swerdlow in his book: A Journey into Hyperspace
2nd Chi power, fuse positive (above) and negative (below) together in the center to increase Chi (see video for explanation)
Powerup 1 (fusion)
Let energy from above fuse with energy from below as shown in the video
Powerup 2 (Void)
First look outside of the circle of observation.
Bring that perception of Void back to the center., Now distance yourself from the perspective of the infinite Void while remaining contact with the I am
This Is an illustration how form is contained withing observation
Power up 3 (The Wheel)
Everything moves (Panta Rhei) feel the movement in the moment with your whole body. What is the origin of this movement?
Work with this movement or Wheel by incorporating it with the micro/macrocosmic orbit
Or placing the wheel on earths core. Power = Current^2 x Ressistance. By resisting the current you have created with the wheel you take up power
Powerup 4 (infusion)
First create the Sun.
Then let the main energy from the sun be injected into the Earth Star or Earth Chakra
Or focus your body on a small star and connect it to the earths core
Powerup 5 God
Use the approximation message to find God, now link God to earth
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To get this total trance look at a point at the wall. Now look back from that point to yourself. Keep looking at that inner place. Soon you will be in ecstasy
Astral Projection
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The Moon is made of stone
The Earth is made of earth
Trace your dna lineage back to when you were a star. Place the star in the center of your body. You are this star it wil only grow how long you connect with your star self
Humans are made of cells
Humans are made of Stars
To Trace back feel on cellular level now and how it was. Use this shift to go further back to your own star or point Alpha